I would like to invite you to participate in "Beads. Beaders. Beading. : a showcase of beaded art from around the world." This project was inspired by the photography book called, "A Day in the Life of America."
For this project, I would like to collect images of the work of beaders from around the world, which I will use to create a slideshow as well as an electronic book (PDF file). To be included, the pictures need to sent ...to me via email during the month of August 2011. Acceptable images include but are not limited to seed bead work, strung work, lamp work, polymer clay, etc. If the components can be recognized as beads, a picture of the finished work can be submitted. The work does NOT have to be done in August, the image simply needs to be submitted in August. My goal is to use every image sent to me but the images need to be usable. I would like jpg files that are at least 300 dpi in which the piece is photographed on a solid background (no fingers, toes, or lace doilies). Along with the image I need your name, contact information and country where you live. I would also like a short paragraph about who you are, what inspires you to bead, a story about the work submitted (if applicable) and a picture of you.
There is no participation fee. One image per participant will be allowed. There will be no charge to view the slide show. I will send you a link to view the show as well as a PDF file of all images and artist information.
By submitting your image you are giving me permission to use the image in a slideshow, without payment. You authorize Beth Stone to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute this image/photo for purposes of a compilation of images in a slideshow and electronic book. You waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy.
Let me be clear that by altering any image, I simply mean that I may have to crop an original image or I might have to enhance the brightness, contrast or adjust the color. I will not change the integrity of any image unless I discuss it with you first.
I also want you to know that I am not doing this for any type of compensation.
How to submit your picture:
Please send the image to me at BNSHDL@msn.com during the month of August 2011. Please write “Beads. Beaders. Beading.” in the subject box.
I hope you have fun and enjoy the final project.
Please spread the word to any beaders who might be interested in participating.
With love and appreciation,
Beth Stone
Marlene Rackley and
Kat Oliva